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scientific edition of Bauman MSTU


Bauman Moscow State Technical University.   El № FS 77 - 48211.   ISSN 1994-0408

Experimental Research of the Dithering Ring Laser Gyro Triad by Allan Variations Method

# 06, June 2016
DOI: 10.7463/0616.0842332
Article file: SE-BMSTU...o161.pdf (1371.04Kb)
authors: A.A. Aviev1, V.N. Enin1,*, I.V. Saneev1

1 Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Moscow, Russia

The paper studies the error characteristics of the dithering laser gyro triad mounted on a SINS common base during the long measurement intervals in laboratory conditions using the Allan variations method. It conducts analysis of practical possibilities to determine parameters of Allan variations in arrays of the output data of the laser gyro triad sampled in real laboratory conditions under some instability of air temperature, available vibrations, magnetic and electric fields, etc. Plotting the Allan variations curves has identified а high noisiness of variations with small plotting step and а large variance between the maximum and minimum values of the curves under shifting the reference point by one or more sampling cycle of data array elements. The high noisiness of the Allan variations curves is a significant problem in the identification of error components in laser gyro output signal. To reduce this noise is proposed the method called "calculating the average line of variations", which allows us to identify the error components with high accuracy, including the sampling in real laboratory conditions. To reduce a computational resource-intensity of the proposed method there is a developed algorithm "random sampling of time intervals". The results can be practically applied to determine the error components not only in laser gyros, but also in other noisy output signal devices, which measure the stationary values.

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