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scientific edition of Bauman MSTU


Bauman Moscow State Technical University.   El № FS 77 - 48211.   ISSN 1994-0408

Vladimir Zworykin Kozmich (125th Anniversary of His Birth)

# 04, April 2014
Article file: Vladimir_Zvorykin.pdf (3308.09Kb)
authors: V.P. Samokhin, B.M. Kindyakov

A brief review of main works and achievements of Vladimir K. Zworykin is presented, who came from a merchant family in Murom Russia and prominent American inventor of television broadcasting, the author of 120 patents. Provides information about parents Zworykin, interesting facts of his life and work, includ-ing details of student life, military service during World War I, emigration to the U.S., working in corpora-tions and RCA CRT implementation and Ikonoscope, the most important components of television systems. Zworykin described contacts with David Sarnow and American inventors, his work on the orders of the U.S. Army during World War II, advances to create an electronic microscope, color television, details of visits Zvorykin USSR, his meetings with Soviet specialists, as well as work on medical electronics in recent years of life and awards.

1. V. Chumakov. Vladimir Zvorykin – chelovek, mechtajuschij zapretit televidenie [Vladimir Zworykin – man wants to ban TV]. – М.: Argumenty i Fakty [Arguments and Facts], № 14, 2012.
Available at: URL http://www.aif.ru/article/print/article_id/51255, accessed 10.04.2014.
2. V.P. Borisov. Zvorykin [Zworykin]/ М.: Molodaya gvardiya [Young Guard], 2013. – 244 p.
3. T.B. Kupryashina, E.I. Sazonova. Materialy vystavki "Nash Zvorykin iz Muroma – eto vashe vsyo!
[Materials Exhibition "Our Zworykin of Murom - is your all"]/ Murom Historical and Art Museum, 2013.
Available at: URL http://museum-murom.ru/page.html?pid=254, accessed 10.04.2014.
4. Frederick Olessi. An Autobiography of Vladimir Zworykin /by V.K. Zworykin with Frederick Olessi. – Princeton, NJ: unpublished typescript, 1971. Available at: URL http://www.davidsarnoff.org/vkz.html, accessed 10.04.2014.
5. А.N. Pozin. Code Zvorykina: ТV+ [Code Zworykin: ТV+  // Мoscow: Academia, 2012, p. 112-118
6. V.P. Samokhin. Pamiati B.L. Rosinga (1869 - 1933) [In Memory of Rosing B.L. (1869 - 1933)]// Nauka i obrazovanie MGTU im. N.E. Baumana  [Science and Education of the Bauman MSTU], 2013, no. 4.
Available at: URL http://technomag.bmstu.ru/doc/568798.html, accessed 10.04.2014.
7. V.P. Samokhin, К.V. Mescherinova. Pamyati Ljva Theremin [In Memory of Leon Theremin]// Nauka i obrazovanie MGTU im. N.E. Baumana  [Science and Education of the Bauman MSTU], 2013, n. 12. Available at:
URL http://www.technomag.bmstu.ru/doc/681714.html, accessed  10.04.2014.
8. V.P. Samokhin. Boris Rozing, Vladimir Zvorykin i televidenie [Boris Rozing, Vladimir Zworykin and TV]. –  М.: «625», №10, 2009, p. 70-76.
9. V.P. Samokhin. Mihail Alekcandrovich Bonch-Bruevich (1888 – 1940) [Mikhail Bonch-Bruevich (1888 –1940)], Nauka i obrazovanie MGTU im. N.E. Baumana  [Science and Education of the Bauman MSTU], 2013, no. 2.
Available at: URL http://www.technomag.bmstu.ru/doc/547852.html,  accessed 10.04.2014.
10. V.P. Samokhin, B.М. Kindyakov. Pamyati Edvina Armstronga [To the memory of Edvin Armstrong]// Nauka i obrazovanie MGTU im. N.E. Baumana  [Science and Education of the Bauman MSTU], 2014, n. 1.
Available at: URL  http://technomag.bmstu.ru/doc695338.html, accessed  10.04.2014.
11. V.P. Samokhin, B.М. Kindyakov. David Sarnoff// technomag.edu.ru: Nauka i obrazovanie MGTU im. N.E. Baumana  [Science and Education of the Bauman MSTU], 2014, no. 2.
Available at: URL http://www.technomag.bmstu.ru/doc/706771.html, accessed  10.04.2014.
12. Abramson A.  Zworykin. Pioneer of Television. Univ. of Illinois. 1995.
13. V.P. Samokhin. Alexander Matveevich Понятов [Alexander M. Poniatoff ] // Nauka i obrazovanie MGTU im. N.E. Baumana  [Science and Education of the Bauman MSTU], 2012, n. 4,
Available at: URL http://www.technomag.edu.ru/doc/364552.html, accessed  10.04.2014.
14. V.P. Samohin, K.V. Mescherinova, P.D. Shvechikov. Li de Forest (k 140-letiju so dnya rogdenja) [Lee de Forest (to the 140th anniversary of his birth)]// Nauka i obrazovanie MGTU im. N.E. Baumana  [Science and Education of the Bauman MSTU], 2013, no. 8.
Available at: URL http://technomag.bmstu.ru/doc/609941.html, accessed  10.04.2014.
15. Muromskij "otetz televidenija" Vladimir Zvorykin [Murom "father of television" Vladimir Zworykin] – Internet-gazeta murom.ru [Internet newspaper murom.ru], 2012. Available at:
URL http://www.murom.ru/node/7851, accessed 10.04.2014.
16. V Moskve otkrylcja pamjatnik izobretatelju televidenija Zvorykinu [In Moscow, opened a monument to the inventor of television Zworykin]// ria.ru: RIA News,  29.07.2013.
URL http://ria.ru/moscow/20130729/952823501.html, accessed 10.04.2014.
17. V.P. Samokhin. Rej Dolbi [Ray Dolby]// Nauka i obrazovanie MGTU im. N.E. Baumana  [Science and Education of the Bauman MSTU], 2012, no. 11.
Available at: URL http:// http://www.technomag.edu.ru/doc/496425.html, accessed  10.04.2014.

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