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scientific edition of Bauman MSTU


Bauman Moscow State Technical University.   El № FS 77 - 48211.   ISSN 1994-0408

INDONESIA: Plan to share lecturers earns top marks

Education experts have lauded a proposed plan by the government that would allow for the transfer of lecturers between universities in a bid to boost the institutions' standings and hence enrollment rates, writes Dessy Sagita for the Jakarta Globe.

Harry Iskandar, secretary at the National Education Ministry's Directorate General of Secondary and Higher Education, announced the plan to share lecturers last week.

"The basic idea is that lecturers who don't meet a set quota of teaching hours at a given university can be lent to another university that doesn't have enough lecturers," he said, adding that the purpose was to improve the educators' reach by allowing them to teach at more than one university.

Muslihar Kasim, chairman of the Indonesian University Rectors Council, said he was "very excited" about the plan. "I believe it will be able to boost Indonesia's poor university enrolment rate as well as improve the image of some universities that don't have enough educators," he said last week.

Source: the Jakarta Globe

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